Nice to meet you
greatwalks.tv is an attempt to capture the visuals and sound to deliver a semblance of actually being there on foot.
We love walking, especially in the countryside. The landscape changes dramatically with the season, from the exciting start of spring to the rich harvest of fall bath in its grandeur colours. The pastures, hills and valleys are alive with wildflowers, old trees and wildlife.
Despite these changes, its history is etched in by settlements, sometimes ancient and in ruins. These juxtapose quaintly with inhabitants in farmhouses going about their present chaos. One feels immersed in an orchestra without a conductor playing different pieces yet held together by a motif that declares a purpose permeating time and invoking awe of creation.
Even with 4K video footage and stereo ambient sound on YouTube, it is impossible to faithfully reproduce capture all these surreal elements. Nevertheless, here on this website, we supplement your experience by weaving into your virtual walk hyperlinks references to the locales’ history, folklore and quirkiness. Hopefully that makes up for the video and audio short comings. We hope you enjoy them as much as we have recorded them first hand and that it may inspire you to make these walk yourself one day.
Your feedback on what we do on this site would be highly valued. If there is any specific information about the locations we visited that you would like us to share with others, please do not hesitate to let us know.
Please enjoy and stay in touch.
Wey Navigation (in progress)
South Down Way (in progress)
Guildford Town (in progress)
Isle of Skye
Pennine Way